Procedures for accreditation of inspection bodies as per ISO/IEC 17020

Accreditation of inspection and inspection bodies as per ISO/IEC 17020

ISO 17020 accreditation

Inspection qualification services for international accreditation in accordance with ISO 17020

All of inspection bodies Type A & B & C are seeking for international accreditation to increase confidence in their inspection and inspection reports, Arab Professionals center has a specialized team of consultants and experts who are able to qualify all types of inspection bodies for international accreditation as per ISO 17020 requirements to fulfill the requirements of the accreditation bodies, For more details and information, please request a technical and financial offer for consultancy or a training course, please contact us by email or phone or fill out the contact request form, then one of our technical exper will contact you.

Type of Inspection Bodies

The inspection body will be responsible for inspection the design of the product or product itself, service, operation or factory, to determine their compliance with certain requirements or standards, The inspection body should be officially registered and operate legally, and holding an official documents explain its processes and the technical scope of its activity. ISO/IEC 17020:2012 “Conformity assessment — Requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection” determines the specific requirements of the competence of the inspection body and the integrity and impartiality of their inspection activities, This applies to inspection body of type A, B or C, As mentioned in ISO/IEC 17020: 2012 standard.

ISO/IEC 17020 International Accreditation

Due to the increasing for international trade, The existence of a globally recognized mechanism has become an urgent requirement and hence the concept of Accreditation, which guarantees the efficiency of the quality system in accordance with a set of international standards to give confidence in the evaluators of the certification certificate of Inspection, The accreditation provides confidence in the inspection certificate and reports issued by the inspection bodies in accordance with the International Standard ISO / IEC 17020:2012 “Evaluation of conformity with the working requirements of the various inspection bodies”

The accreditation body is officially accredited by accreditation body to demonstrate the integrity and technical competence of inspection body to perform specific types of inspection activities in accordance with iSO/IEC 17020 standard specification, According to this provision, customers and beneficiaries are confident in the efficiency and quality of inspection services. Recognized accreditation in the International Accreditation Forum include IAF such as EGAC, UKAS, DAC, GAC, IAS, JAS-ANZ, DAKKS, ANAB … etc

Steps to apply ISO 17020 and obtain accreditation

Arab Professionals Center experts can assist your organization to obtain ISO 17020 accreditation and implement all requirements of ISO 17020 standard from A to Z, and getting the accreditation from an approved accreditation bodies recognized by the International Accreditation Forum IAF, by fulfilling the requirements of ISO 17020 and training and qualifying inspectors and staff at the inspection body as follows:

  1. Receiving the request for the processing and rehabilitation of the inspection body for the application of ISO 17020
  2. Study the application and determine the type of entity if it is A, B, C and make a technical and professional presentation
  3. A study of all inspection body operations and activities and analysis of the gap between the current situation and the hoped-for situation
  4. Training of inspection staff to raise awareness of ISO 17020 requirements
  5. Preparation of inspection system operating system documents in accordance with ISO/IEC 17020
  6. Apply the notary system and find the physical guide to the application
  7. Conducting internal audit and qualifying the internal audit team
  8. Conduct an evaluation simulation by the accreditation body to identify non-conformities
  9. Call the accreditation authority for a visit

Actions required for ISO 17020 Accreditation

  1. QP/01 Personnel and training
  2. QP/02 Equipment, reference standards, reference materials and its transportation, handling and storage
  3. QP/03 Purchasing, selection and approval of suppliers
  4. QP/04 Subcontracting the inspection services
  5. QP/05 Handling of inspection items
  6. QP/06 Complaint and appeal process
  7. QP/07 Control of documents
  8. QP/08 Control of records
  9. QP/09 Management review
  10. QP/10 Internal audit
  11. QP/11 Corrective actions
  12. QP/12 Preventive actions
  13. QP/13 Measurement Traceability and calibration
  14. QP/14 Contract review

Benefits of applying ISO 17020 and obtaining ISO 17020 Accreditation

  • Improving efficiency, productivity and efficiency in all inspection and inspection operations
  • Improving motivation, collaboration, teamwork and quality proficiency including the efficiency of individuals and inspectors
  • Increased confidence in inspection results and decisions, And increase the culture of the staff and inspectors who do the work
  • Increased control and control of all inspection body operations and activities
  • Reduce time and money lost due to reducing or eliminating the need for re-inspection/re-work, etc.
  • Provide tips on data analysis as well as keeping the perfect record.
  • Provide better guidance and control for equipment maintenance, And keeping inspection records, And so on.
  • Get the customer confidence in results as well as reports and increase customer confidence as well as market share.
  • A better image for inspection bodies as quality inspection bodies in the global market.
  • Recognition and credibility worldwide.
  • Enjoy a screening body certified by ISO 17020: 2012 with a clear superiority over competitors.

Inspections interested in obtaining international accreditation

  • Inspections of pressure equipment and boilers, And used cars.
  • Inspections of products and electrical extensions
  • Inspections of oil and gas facilities
  • Inspections of factories, hotels, hospitals and companies
  • Inspections of mechanical machinery, And non-destructive tests.
  • Meat, dairy and other food products testers
  • Pre-shipment inspection bodies
  • All parties working in the field of inspection and inspection

Request for consultation / paid course

Qualification of inspection supremo and inspectors in accordance with ISO 17020 standard

The experts of the Center for Arab Professionals for Training and Consultancy qualify the inspection bodies to obtain international accreditation in accordance with ISO 17020, Building the system of documents required for ISO 17020 (procedures – directory – forms – operating instructions – internal review – management review … Etc.), In addition to carrying out training courses for individuals and groups to train in the methods of examination, inspection, sampling, understanding of the requirements of ISO 17020 and issuing training certificates to participants

The most important laboratory and matching courses