Automated alarm

Automated alert to training courses

We realize that your time is important and your peace of mind is more important If you like one of the courses/sections of the Academy and would like to participate in it, you can register data and you will be automatically reminded through a mobile message /email either for a specific course or for all courses posted on the site.

If you want us to remind you when a specific course will start, Please fill out the form below carefully and enter the correct information so you can receive notifications

    Name (optional)

    E-mail (Required)

    Mobile Number (optional)

    Course name (Required)

    Course date (optional)

    Course location (optional)

    What's your favorite method to notify you of alerts? (Can choose more than one method)

    Do you want to receive notices and alerts about all courses? (Can choose more than desire)

    How did you hear about us?